Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday Fairy - Thanks for the Whack

Just a regular day around here :) we are sitting at the table, Emily working on writing a letter to Bubbie (which ended up being Dear Bubb with a bunch of check marks....more later) and Steph doing her work and over Sarah comes with her pencil. "I am ready for school work mom" she said! LOL :) LOVE IT!!!!

One thing I struggle with is not sticking with what I had planned in  MY HEAD! Like sitting down with Emily to write a thank you letter to Bubbie for the sleepover. I had planned for her to write a sentence or two and draw a picture and off we would mail it. However that is NOT what happened. With each actual letter of the alphabet she wrote she wanted to put a check mark on it (I had written Dear Bubbie on a different sheet she was using to reference) so of course it made sense for her to check off the letter after she wrote it...LOL at first I was so irritated! I mean that's NOT how a letter should look and it certainly wasn't the letter I had envisioned her writing!!! Then my Homeschool Fairy must have whacked me upside the head and I remembered WAIT I have a 5 year old here who just read me 2 books and is writing letters!!!! Who cares if there are check marks! Who cares if it isn't perfect SHES 5 and shes having FUN!!!! So then I let her run with it! She enjoyed the check marks and then started drawing lines all over and playing with a rock.......so letter writing wasn't on her agenda for today but we practiced making check marks! :)

REALLY trying to follow A Leadership Education and today's lesson for ME was to remember


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